I Lost My Drone

Xandra the Drone

I lost my drone, Xandra. Almost.

After unboxing Xandra on March 2018


It was after a fun and tiring trip from Mt. Pulag. The van that we rented dropped us off at Quezon Avenue. I picked up “all” my stuff and we parted ways. My friends waited for their service and I booked a Grab ride home.

As I arrived home, I felt like I left something. I searched for my drone and found nothing so it was officially missing! Frozen in shock, I realised that I left it in the van!

Good thing I still have the driver’s contact number. So I immediately called him and asked for my lost item. It was a slight relief when he confirmed he has it and promised to take care of it.

Then I asked if it was possible to get the drone at Quezon Ave. tomorrow, Monday. But his van is coding that day! He lives in Meycauayan, Bulacan and that’s way too far from where I live. But I didn’t care because it is very pricey I couldn’t afford to buy another one.

I blamed myself for being so clumsy and negligent, forgetting about this precious drone of mine 😔 How could I ever forgive myself?

I felt this deep anxiety being miles away from something that matters so much to me. Worse, I imagine the worth-capturing moments I would miss on my trips when it’s gone.

So came Monday, my brother willingly accompanied me to Meycauayan to retrieve my drone. I realised that no matter what the cost, as long as it is valuable to you, you will risk anything to get it back. This reminded me of a parable.


There’s a rich man that has two sons. The younger asks his father to give him his inheritance. Not taking any offence, his loving father agrees. So the instant-millionaire son drifts away to a far country to squander everything he has on women, vices and the like.

One day, a famine strikes hard in that country so the son loses all his possessions and is forced to work as a swineherd. When he reaches the point of envying the food of the pigs, he finally comes to his senses and regrets leaving his father just to waste his wealth.

So he decides to go back home to apologise for his sins against God and his father. He feels unworthy to be a son, he even considers himself working for his father as a servant just to compensate.

But before he reaches his home, his father already sees him. He hurriedly runs to welcome his long-gone son with a tight embrace. The father was overjoyed because his son was lost and now is found.


In our lives, we may have felt lost at some point. As if we’re not going in the right direction. But there’s good news. We have a Heavenly Father, who loves and is just waiting for us to come to Him.

He wants us to return home, saying, “My child, stop striving too much, return home and lay down your burdens. I am gentle at heart. I love you and I will always look after you. Though many times you’ve tried to run away and got lost, I am waiting for you to come home and be reconciled to Me.” No matter what we’ve done, He is gracious to forgive and welcome us back.


I was over the moon getting my drone back to have more adventures with it! Certainly, our lives are far more valuable than material things and God would risk everything just to save us!

Hopefully, reading this helps you find your way back to God.

Xandra and I in Coron, Palawan

To watch my drone video, you may read this blog post or watch it below:

Mt. Balagbag Summit Drone Video

Are you planning to buy a DJI Mavic Air? Head to the official website of DJI here to view the price and its specifications.


2 Replies to “I Lost My Drone”

  1. Praise God it found its way back to you, Say! 🙂

  2. awww,buti nalang nabalik po Drone mo sayo Miss Say

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